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  • Notes on How To Remember Everything You Learn
    • spaced repetition is key
    • Some great quotes from Dr. Barbara Oakley -- Learning How to Learn for Illusions of Competence
      • seeing the information in front you, such as reading a book, doesn't mean you know it.
      • seeing or hearing someone come to a conclusion doesn't mean you know how they get to that conclusion or explain their argument.
      • searching for something on Google gives you the illusion that the information is in your brain.
      • spending lots of time with material doesn't mean you know it.
    • The person who says they know what they think but cannot express it usually do not know what they think. -- Mortimer Adler (Philosopher)
    • To regard anyone except yourself as responsible for your judgment is to be a slave, not a free man. -- Mortimer Adler (Philosopher)
    • I don't want to be a mindless consumer of data
    • spaced repetition
      • the brain is like a muscle, it needs to be flexed often
      • the more often you do the thing you want to commit to memory the better your understanding of that thing will stick in your memory.
      • you don't need to memorise everything that comes your way, that's impossible
    • to recognise the limits of your knowledge and to appreciate others' intellectual strengths is one of the best things you can do.
    • it's in our nature to focus on how we were wrong rather than we're now smarter. Attaching our egos to what we believe is determental to growing. A view is how you see something, it doesn't define you.


