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  • Ctrl+r to search command history in terminal!
  • Adding notes to the new site, this could be notes on:
    • Books read
    • Articles read
    • Tweets read
    • Movies watched
    • Documentaries watched
  • Content for a personal website:
    • Single purpose page
      • Headshot
      • Headline
      • Confirmation
      • Further explanation
      • Conversion convincer
    • Pages and sections ideas
      • About
      • Recommendations
      • Work
      • Contact
  • Finding your position:
    • How am I different
    • What am I best at
    • What do I enjoy doing
    • What can I prove I've done well
    • What can I do for a long time
  • Who do I want to attract:
    • Who are they
    • What problems do they have
    • What do they buy
    • Where do they spend time


