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Repeating Daily

  • [>] Make time for health
    • Morning Walk
    • [>] Post lunch walk
  • LinkedIn post
  • Community outreach


  • >
  • [>] CFP for Decoupled Days 2021:
  • [>] Paid article
    • [>] Serverless showdown
      • [>] Vercel
      • [>] Netlify
      • >
      • >
      • >
  • [>]
    • [>] Make OG Image serverless function
    • [>] Components
      • [>] Markdown component
      • [>] TopLanguages
      • [>] Projects
      • [>] GitHubContributions
    • [>] Plan pages content
    • [>] Styling with Tailwind
    • [>] Finish post ending
    • [>] Add tags page
    • [>] Add upcoming talks to speaking page, maybe same position as where the ToC goes
    • [>] Posts
      • [>] Create a privacy policy
      • [>] Free Web Development Resources
  • [>] Localhost blog
    • [>] link aggregator for combined posts
  • [>]
    • [>] use vite vue and MDX


  • [>] Finish Document use for SendGrid
  • [>] Document using Maizzle
  • [>] Document QA Wolf
  • [>] Make something with React Remotion
  • [>] Get more familiar with Render
  • [>] Get more familiar with Begin
  • [>] Document Toast
  • [>] GitHub GraphQL endpoint heatmap data massage
  • [>] GitHub GraphQL endpoint add heatmap data
  • [>] Family CMS project (Sanity/NextJS)
    • [>] Add search function with FuseJS
