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  • Trello: Cool kanban board, ok for managing projects. Everything stays in the tab for that task, no markdown support.

  • Notion: Hey look I can do everything! Import your Trello, Evernote, Confluence projects here, sure np. You're golden as long as you have an internet connection and don't plan on using the markdown from there anywhere else

  • Roam Research: "Join our cult" No thanks! Web interface was weird to get around linking took a really long time and the knowledge graph took an age to render. Again it's Markdown but everything needs to be a bullet (because bullet journal!) breaking out to just write Markdown was a pain.

  • Obsidian: Super nice interface with themes and shortcut keys, local storage, not online, great knowledge graph visualisation 🔥 It's another application to manage and open, Markdown is Markdown and transferable to text editors with no issues.

  • Foam: Everything from Roam Research and Obsidian in VS Code via extensions, awesome knowledge graph visualisation. Use your preferred text editor (VS Code) use all the keyboard shortcuts for editing you are accustomed to in and environment you spend a lot of your time (being a web developer).

  • Dendron: Flat file structure, awesome search functionality baked into it, publishable as a 11ty site with search. Meh knowledge graph visualisation, keyboard shortcuts interfere when not in a Dendron workspace


